Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Mushroom and Fern Mandala - post #1

I haven't been stitching all that much recently, but I do have a new start to share today! I fell in love with the Mushroom & Fern mandala by Chatelaine when I saw it by chance on FB, and I started gathering materials in December and made a small start.

Yesterday, the remaining stuff I needed arrived from ECC!

I busted into the package immediately and got back to work - I'd made a small start with the blue NPI silk colors in the center but had to stop since I didn't have any of the other threads. Not much progress due to attempting to stitch while watching the Olympics, but... good enough. :3

As usual, the colors are pretty bad in this photo. My fabric is dark cobblestone Belfast, which is a lot more grey and a lot less brown than shown here.

Hopefully I'll have more progress to share soon. :)


  1. What lovely stitchy mail! The colours look wonderful....looking forward to seeing this one grow :)

  2. Ooh that looks interesting! Looking forward to seeing more.


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